Normalized Radian Frequency



The normalized radian frequency is based on the more general concept of a normalized frequency (\(\htmlId{tooltip-normalizedFrequency}{\hat f}\)). It is described by the ratio between the radian frequency and the sampling frequency (\(\htmlId{tooltip-samplingFrequency}{f_{s}}\)). Or in this case, the product of the radian frequency and the sampling period (\(\htmlId{tooltip-samplingPeriod}{T_{s}}\)), which is the inverse of the sampling frequency.


\[\htmlId{tooltip-normalizedRadianFrequency}{\hat \omega} = \htmlId{tooltip-radianFrequency}{\omega} \htmlId{tooltip-samplingPeriod}{T_{s}}\]

Symbols Used

\(\hat \omega\)

This is the symbol for normalized radian frequency. It is measured in radians (\( \htmlId{tooltip-u-radians}{rad} \))


This symbol represents sampling period, the amount of time between samples taken in an analog-to-digital converter.


This symbol represents radian frequency, the speed of rotation. It is measured in radians per second.


  1. Consider the definition of normalized frequency:
    \[\htmlId{tooltip-normalizedFrequency}{\hat f} = \frac{\htmlId{tooltip-frequency}{f}}{\htmlId{tooltip-samplingFrequency}{f_{s}}}\]
  2. Now considering the fact that we this page is about the radian frequency, we can substitute \( \htmlId{tooltip-radianFrequency}{\omega} \) in for \( \htmlId{tooltip-frequency}{f} \) to get:
    \[\htmlId{tooltip-normalizedRadianFrequency}{\hat \omega} = \frac{\htmlId{tooltip-radianFrequency}{\omega}}{\htmlId{tooltip-samplingFrequency}{f_{s}}}\]
  3. We now consider the definition of sampling frequency:
    \[\htmlId{tooltip-samplingFrequency}{f_{s}} = \frac{1}{\htmlId{tooltip-samplingPeriod}{T_{s}}}\]
  4. And we rewrite to get:
    \[\htmlId{tooltip-normalizedRadianFrequency}{\hat \omega} = \htmlId{tooltip-radianFrequency}{\omega} \htmlId{tooltip-samplingPeriod}{T_{s}}\]


example coming soon...


  1. Wikipedia page

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