This equation shows the relationship between the most fundamental imaginary number, \( \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j} \), and the real numbers.
\(j\) | This symbol represents the imaginary unit, which is defined as the square root of \(-1\). \( j = \sqrt{-1}\). It is the most fundamental unit in the field of complex numbers, allowing for the expression of numbers that cannot be represented on the real number line. |
\( (5 + \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j})^2 \) can be rewritten to be
\[ (5 +\htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j})(5 + \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j}) \]
This is equivalent to...
\[ 5 \cdot 5 + 5 \cdot \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j} + 5 \cdot \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j} + \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j}^2 \]
This simplifies to...
\[25 + 10 \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j} + \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j}^2\].
We can now use our identity, to get...
\[25 + 10 \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j} - 1\]
which simplifies to...
\[24 + 10 \htmlId{tooltip-imag}{j}\]
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